Want to Improve Warehouse Efficiency? Use Drones.

Want to Improve Warehouse Efficiency? Use Drones.

By Drone USA, Posted in October 24, 2019

Chances are you've been taking all the right steps to improve warehouse efficiency: checking your layout, reviewing internal programs, providing proper training, and implementing new technology. But is it enough? 

Drones are an effective way to quickly boost your warehouse efficiency. These versatile fliers can do more than give you a birds’ eye view of your warehouse - they can keep workers safer and on task, too. Read on to learn how drones can help boost your company’s efficiency. 

Better Inventory Management

Drones can scan barcodes or RFID codes much faster than humans. By assigning this tedious and mundane task to drones, you can free your human workers to take on more complex and meaningful tasks. This is especially helpful if you are short-staffed or working to fill turnover gaps.

Facility Navigation

You’ve heard of seeing-eye dogs…. How about seeing-eye drones? When it’s time to pick items from inventory, drones can be invaluable. They can calculate the best path to avoid traffic jams, help new workers navigate a warehouse as they learn their way around, and even identify exactly where an “up high” item is located by scanning the barcode or RFID codes. 

Improved Worker Safety

Drones can provide a quick overview of the facility at any time, keeping an eye out for safety concerns or spotting workers who are injured. 

But they can do more than look down on your warehouse. Newer, more advanced drones can assist - or even take over - tasks that have the potential to cause more harm to humans. Drones can reduce the risk of injury and even cut back on downtime, leading to safer working conditions and better productivity.

Open the Door to the Possibilities

For years, drones have been praised for their outdoor use. Now, companies are bringing drones inside and finding new and creative ways to put them to work. Just one drone can significantly improve your warehouse’s safety, efficiency, and productivity. 

Want to know what a drone can do for your business? Our experts can help! Reach out today to schedule your consultation and learn how drone technology can transform your business