Focus on Connecticut and Surrounding States as Potential Manufacturing Locations

Focus on Connecticut and Surrounding States as Potential Manufacturing Locations

By Drone USA, Posted in June 01, 2017

NEW YORK, May 11, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Drone USA, Inc. (OTC Markets:DRUS) (“Drone USA” or the “Company”), a developer and manufacturer of low altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (“UAVs”) and related technologies, today announced that it is considering manufacturing both the Shadow and Cyclops police drones in the Northeast.


Michael Bannon, Drone USA’s Chief Executive Officer, commented: “We are considering manufacturing our police Shadow and Cyclops drones in Connecticut. We have met with employees from the Connecticut Department of Economic & Community Development and are reviewing Connecticut’s manufacturing incentive programs and application process. We are pleased with what Connecticut is offering. In addition, we are looking to the individual towns to see what potential tax incentives they provide. Concurrently, we are also looking to explore other potential locations in the Northeast such as Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey. All four states house top engineering universities and large aerospace manufacturers ensuring us access to a talented labor pool. Within the year, we are looking to hire somewhere between 25 and 30 new employees. In the past, I utilized the same Connecticut program with another business I own. To date that business employs over 55 individuals ranging from sales, administrative, engineering and manufacturing staff. Although we are in the early stages, we have identified a property that we are interested in. It is approximately 12,000 square feet and very reasonably priced. Because we anticipate rapid growth in the police drone market, we will move quickly.”

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